Why is it not working”
A short essay by a 4th grader, who is as frustrated with Microsoft products as the rest of us. Retyped here with spelling and grammar errors and all.
Got a problem on your computer? Well, guess what? Microsoft is the WORST SERVER FOR DEVICES! To begin with, it hardly ever works.
It’s so glitchy. On things that take a really long time to load, it just throughs you out saying “error something went wrong, please re-try”.
Also, two days ago, kai (my brother) and I were going to play terraria on our x-box, and when he tried to join it said there was a problem on the web. So, we fixed it and it didn’t work. How surprising.
After this, I thought, bro Microsoft is so stupid. I felt like it only tried to annoy you. I said, “what will we do on our xo-box?” It took us about one hour to make a new account.
Not only that, but it takes so much personal info. It’s like giving your life’s info just to play a game.
“WhAT iS GoiNG On?” I said weirdly. “Why will the x-box not work? It takes so long to setup an account, and it can get stolen. When people say their computer isn’t working, I blame microsoft.
In conclusion, I think they should make Microsoft more secure so people like me can have fun and work.
The essay was a hit. The entire class gave him rave reviews.